Supergirl Last Flew:
  1. evrafter
  2. Motivator Smile Seeker Love Fool
  3. Supergirl Season 3
  4. Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Alrighty Superbuddies, most of us have had time to digest most, if not all, the news out of SDCC.

What are some of the things revealed this week are you most excited for in Season 3? I'll kick us off...

1.) More couch scenes!! And I was delighted to see the happiness that seemed to eminate from Melissa's face when she confirmed this info. And to be clear, my excitement for "sister couch scenes" means... I'm excited for ANY additional scenes with Chyler and Mel together.

2.) More Lena. And I'm totally with Katie with hoping to see a LOT more interactions between Lena, Kara, and Alex. As Katie mentioned, there could be some really juicy acting moments there with Lena being a Luthor, and with how protective Alex is of her little sister. Oh and... Fingers crossed for more Winn/Lena dialogue. More than just seeming to have chemistry together, Winn/Lena are hilarious.

3.) Reign. Even more than just being excited about the character, I'm excited because of the actress. She impressed me.

4.) Glad it was confirmed, Lillian is still lurking--unlike Lucy, her dad, and Max and his omegahedron. I'm trying to avoid an image circulating in my head of them being crushed by falling debri during Rhea's invasion.

Brenda is everything.

5.) Two words...Cat Grant
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I am really really glad for 1 and 2. :)

I'd like the cast to be most integrated with us getting different people working together. Mix and match. I wish someone had asked them if Mon El and Alex would work together because that is a combination I'd like to see. Third to Kara, Alex interaction and Alex and Lena getting to interact for me.

Also, I am happy to hear about J'onn's dad mainly because I am anticipating Kara's and Alex's reactions. And may be Winn's too. And I am glad about J'onn having a story.

Comickergirl had a good comic on that. :).

Reign and Psi I am looking forward to. But, I am also not sure how it'll go. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 1
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I'm excited for the inclusion of this "Ruby" character. I've always wanted an episode, or even longer of Kara helping a teen out in whatever way is I'm looking forward to that....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 2
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Yes yes yes to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 :D
Maybe a number 6 for me with Dad's papa bear plot line and more space dad relationship with Kara and Alex.
I'm eager to watch that darker and probably intense new season.
I would spend all of my days on set watching the show being made
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 3
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 4
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I think most of my excitement is stemming from more Danvers sisters scenes and our new cast.

Kara and Alex are such an integral part to this show so I was bummed that we didn't get as much of them this past season as I would've liked. Getting more scenes between them is gonna be great!!

The new cast announcements really have me excited mainly because I'm a sucker for new storylines. With the 5(?) 'new' characters coming in to play I'm anxious to see how it all unfolds. Reign especially has my interest peaked after hearing the actress tout her character as a different kind of villain we're used to.

Also, the idea of more Lena sounds awesome. Her character was sort of isolated last season so I think it'll be refreshing to see her become more integrated into the show. I felt kind of bad for the actress after hearing her say she felt a bit lonely because most of her scenes are separate from the majority of the cast; so I hope she gets to play with them more this season.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 5
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I'm excited to hear that we'll be getting more Danvers sisters scenes! Their relationship is the heart of the show, imo.

I'm also excited to meet J'onn's father, that should be a good storyline. So cool they got Martian Manhunter's VA from the JL cartoon to play him, too.

Love that we're getting more Cat!

Also looking forward to Lena's story this season. Wonder what's up with her and Morgan Edge?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 6
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See Lena is a great character. Her simple friendship with Kara is golden. How that became a source of such turmoil remains a source of great mystery
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 7
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Most of what was said was kind of along the lines of what I expected anyway.

So other than the cool trailer, my favorite news was that James will get a love interest and we will get to see his reporter/photographer side again, simply because those things were something we couldn't be sure of.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 8
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I echo DraftingDrafter about Lena. To add to that, I was super stoked to hear from Katie that Lena DOESN'T know "THE secret." I think I talked about it once before, I hate that everyone seems to figure out who Supergirl is without much hype. The only one that was really really fun to see was Winn's reveal moment. Watching Kara have to cover it up i.e... *game night* "Oh oh your cousin....." *Kara and James give Winn death glares* And then the Lena gala from Season 2.

Kelly and I have then both mentioned at one time or another how great would the angst be should the storyline include Lena and Supergirl bumping heads, with Lena still turning to Kara for advice and whatnot?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 9
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