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  4. Monday, 11 May 2020
The CW will announce its Fall schedule on this Thursday 5/14/20.It looks like they are already planning on a Fall that is light on new scripted shows like the Arrowverse.They've accuired shows like DC Universe Swamp Thing and stuff from CBS All Access.

The speculation is they will air some of this in place of new episodes of their regular shows.

FOX for example announced their Fall Schedule today and it's all reality shows,animation.sports and scripted shows already shot and in the can.
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It's understandable. The earliest shows might return to production, here in Vancouver, is late July or August. And that's being very generous. More likely September or October.

By licensing these other shows, they are able to fill their Fall time slots with already-filmed content, and postpone their scripted originals to Winter or Spring premiere dates. It's going to be an interesting season, for sure.
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