Since Volume 3 had hit the 1,000 post mark, I though (or Kiwi thought - thanks!) that starting afresh with a new folder might keep things more manageable.
So, without further ado, here is Volume 4 (or Volume IV) for your perusal, contributions and comments. Please note, the same shtick applies to this as the previous 3 - all positive pictures, fan art and comments are most welcome (...but no gratuitous profane language or risqué / off colour / off topic postings, please).
- Romulus
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Friday, 14 July 2017
Attachments (17)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
Melissa and Chris.
From: Facebook (via David Harewood's IG / Twitter)

From: Facebook (via David Harewood's IG / Twitter)
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 641
"Whatcha got there?!... Can I have some?!"
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 642
A touch early, but fun nonetheless.
From: Facebook
Kara is SO CUTE in that Santa's hat.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 643
Here's something new.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 644
Guess who?!...
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 645
B & W shot of Melissa. SG rehearsing for the Nutcracker perhaps?!
From: Facebook

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 646
And Lord Mesa's take on Reign makes 600 posts.

Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 648
An appropriate reaction to the fall season finale cliffhanger. Comickergirl's reaction to the fact that there will be a five week hiatus until SG returns.

Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 649
This is very nice.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 650
Melissa in Vancouver recently. Note: The other person is Tom Cavanagh. Looks like the dogs are kinda running the show, though.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 651
Nothing better than a Christmas Eve beat-down. Just like in most families at the holidays.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 652
All serious.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 653
Sisterly moments.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 654
An ominous foreboding or a positive sign of things to come.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 655
This, despite people's scepticism, actually worked more than the forced relationship between James and Kara in S1.
Mehcad might be a stiff on-screen kisser, but Katie delivered a believable performance.
From: Facebook
Mehcad might be a stiff on-screen kisser, but Katie delivered a believable performance.

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 656
Someone's artful little doodle.
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 657
Yes she will...
From: Facebook

From: Facebook
Attachments (1)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 658
What time is it? It's pancake o'clock!
I find this adorable, and once again makes me feel really bad for Sam. Soon the days of Pancake O'Clock will be over for her entirely.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 659
This is what the upcoming 9-week hiatus will feel like for SG fans.
Enjoy (um,...not so much!)
Enjoy (um,...not so much!)

"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 660
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