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  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Sunday, 03 April 2022
At the Superman & Lois Wonder Con panel this weekend.showrunner Todd Helbing when asked why Clark & Lois haven't even gotten a text from Kara since the start of the series,said that the Supergirl questions will be answered by the end of this season.

Superman & Lois EP Teases Supergirl/Arrowverse "Answer" This Season

Posted on April 3, 2022 by Ray Flook

Considering that The CW's Tyler Hoechlin & Elizabeth Tulloch-starring Superman & Lois has its backstory roots deeply entrenched in the Arrowverse, a number of fans have been wondering why the show hasn't been embracing its connections to Supergirl (especially considering the family connections with Melissa Benoist's Kara), The Flash, Batwoman, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and others. In the past, the creative team has stressed the importance of giving Superman & Lois a chance to build itself up as its own series first before branching out to other shows. And then the pandemic reportedly scrapped a number of potential crossover plans. But at this weekend's WonderCon 2022, series showrunner & EP Todd Helbing dropped a ten-ton hint at the end of a panel Q&A that also included Hoechlin and Tulloch. When asked jokingly by the host if Lois & Clark could at least get a text from Kara as a way of getting to the bigger issue at hand, Helbing conceded that the two reasons we just went over were big factors. But then the clouds shifted as Helbing teased that some clarity may be on the way… and sooner than viewers think. "I'll just say that at the end of this season [Season 2], you'll get the answer to the questions that you guys have." Hmmm… will this "answer" be specific to Superman & Lois or does it speak to much bigger Arrowverse plans that are in play?

Here's the full panel.

The Supergirl question is at the very end of the panel.Start at the 43:00 minute mark
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I have very low expectations and in fact am prepared to be outraged at whatever “explanation” is provided. To my knowledge Helbing has never said Kara/Supergirl will be addressed let alone mentiond. I only know he said S&Ls relationship to the Arrowverse will be clarified. If I’m wrong and he said Kara/Supergirl let me know.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 21
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Superman & Lois S02 Finale: Arrowverse Answers, John Diggle/S03 & More

David Ramsey Returns to Set Up Season 3: Helbing revealed that viewers can "expect a last-minute visit from 'Arrow' vet David Ramsey's John Diggle, although the fan fave's presence has more to do with 'Superman & Lois' future than its past" and "that [scene] is to tee up our big bad for Season 3."

Yes, Some Arrowverse Answers Are on the Way: Revealing that the episode will better explain how the series "fits into the Arrowverse," Helbing says it will be Dylan Walsh's General Lane who "mentions [things] where you're gonna be like, 'wait, what?' And then he gives a speech that is very clear. You learn everything from him." The showrunner then added, "General Lane has the most inspirational grandfather/father moment that he's had so far in the series.

I think a Supergirl mention may come in the speech from Sam Lane.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 22
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It seems the print version of TV Guide has broke that David Ramsey is returing as Diggle in the Superman & Lois Season finale and sets things up for S3. I assume this is where we'll get the answer to the Supergirl question/connection to the Arrowverse.

Alexander(Hi5) ?

#SupermanAndLois Showrunner Todd Helbing has confirmed David Ramsey will return as Diggle in the end of the S2 finale and will lead right into S3. Keep in mind we are also getting answers to why no other Arrowverse hero has been mentioned on the show yet too then. (

Speculation time.The next Superman & Lois episode was suddenly delayed a week so now the Superman & Lois season 2 finale and the Flash Season 8 finale will now air the same week,Superman & Lois on Tuesday.Flash the next night.Also Danielle Nicolet who plays Cecile on Flash promised a surprise guest star nobody will guess in the finale and Eric Wallace promised a big cliffhanger since they were renewed.

I'm thinking Diggle is the guest star and he will be connecting the two finales setting up the start of the next seasons of both show and some type of event.

Hopfully we do get a Supergirl mention in one or both finales.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 23
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Apparently there were several references to the shared universe and one to Supergirl in the original script for the S&Al Pilot.

Screenrant said it all Superman & Lois Ignoring Supergirl Is Completely Ridiculous Now

The showrunners made a consensus decision to get rid of all of them. To me that shows their true intentions.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 24
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Flash showrunner Eric Wallace revealed in a interview a few weeks ago that he was about to meet with a Supergirl cast member to appear next season on The Flash.He said this person has never appeared on the show and he made a point that he didn't use pronouns referring to this person.So many are speculating it's Nicole Maines and we could see Dreamer guest star on The Flash next season.
Could very be referring to Nicole. I don’t believe Lena, Brainy, or Kelly ever appeared in a Flash episode either. I’m quite sure all four only appeared in CoIE parts 1 and/or 5, the Supergirl and LoT episodes. I recall Brainy defeating AMAZO in the last part of Elseworlds but that was the Supergirl episode.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 25
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I consider that YouTube channel well intended but not always accurate. However in that video all that was discussed was what was said or has been done so far on S&L so it’s a nice one. I agree with the best to worse case scenarios and the logic behind them. Diggle would be hard to explain in the worst case. I’m aware there was a cut scene where Lois packed up a picture of Kara along with her other things when she quit the Daily Planet. Since resources were spent on that scene it makes it less likely the plan, at least at that time, was to cut Kara out completely.

I never understood the logic of cutting that because they couldn't do crossovers.Just because they couldn't do crossovers dosen't mean you can't mention or show a photo.

The other shows last year made mentions.Barry mentioned Clark on The Flash.Flash appeared off-screen on Black Lightning.Cutting the photo here was stupid IMO.

As to the best case we can only hope. Melissa did say she was open and I don’t believe she is currently filming anything. I’d actually prefer someone else from the Supergirl cast rather than another show. Chyler has proved open to reprising Alex and I’m pretty sure David would suit up again given the right circumstances. I’ve said it before the best way to get Melissa, David, or Chyler to Vancouver is to give them a directors spot.

Flash showrunner Eric Wallace revealed in a interview a few weeks ago that he was about to meet with a Supergirl cast member to appear next season on The Flash.He said this person has never appeared on the show and he made a point that he didn't use pronouns referring to this person.So many are speculating it's Nicole Maines and we could see Dreamer guest star on The Flash next season.

I would be varying degrees of happy with the mid case scenario depending on exactly what they do. It will be interesting how they try to dig out of the hole they’ve created. IMO two seasons is too long to just say Kara’s off world like they did in Armageddon. And that still wouldn’t explain no mention of her at all before. From what I’ve read Clark hasn’t even told his sons that Argo exists, how is keeping something as big as other Kryptonians people who are related to them existing ok. Seriously it’s like the EPs and writers would rather show Clark being a bad father than acknowledge events on Supergirl.

Spoilers for Earth Prime # 1

Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
Well Lena is going to appear in this week's Earth Prime # 1.According to the writers(who also write for the shows),this comic miniseries is canon to the shows.It's going to be set post Supergirl series finale so Kara's identity is out.Lena is going to be meeting Ryan/Batwoman.The writiers just recently confimed that the issue is set in the middle of Batwoman Season 3,right after Mary becomes Poison Mary and she goes off with Alice.The writers said Ryan and Lena will be bonding over having evil brothers.

They also revealed that they wanted to bring Lena on Batwoman last season but couldn't due to the pandemic restrictions in place at the time.

I don’t watch S&L but will record this episode and perhaps watch after reading what they do.

I do,I really like the show but the lack of Supergirl connections have stuck out like a sore thumb.A good example,in the latest episode,Superman goes thru a portal(to Bizarro World which the next episode out in three weeks will be dealing with).The episode then immediatly jumps ahead a month later.We learn Superman has been missing for a month.We see news reports about a world without Superman.We also see that Steel/John Henry Irons has been filling in for the missing Superman in Metropolis and around the world.

But no mention of Supergirl helping out.You would think if Superman was missing,Kara would also be filling in as well.Not just Steel.You don't even need Melissa to appear.Just mention in the newscast that Supergirl is also pitching in for her missing cousin.

I mean at the end of Supergirl season 3,Tyler didin't appear but we got word that Superman was helping with the Worldkiller disasters in other parts of the world off-screen.

So again,things like this really stick out on Superman & Lois.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 26
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Pagey speculation video.Don't want anyone to think he's breaking any news.

The best case scenario is the one I want the most but is the one I think is most unlikely for the end of this season.The mid case scenario is the most likely I think and would be fine with me for the end of this current season.I would hope the worst case scenario does not happen.

I consider that YouTube channel well intended but not always accurate. However in that video all that was discussed was what was said or has been done so far on S&L so it’s a nice one. I agree with the best to worse case scenarios and the logic behind them. Diggle would be hard to explain in the worst case. I’m aware there was a cut scene where Lois packed up a picture of Kara along with her other things when she quit the Daily Planet. Since resources were spent on that scene it makes it less likely the plan, at least at that time, was to cut Kara out completely.

As to the best case we can only hope. Melissa did say she was open and I don’t believe she is currently filming anything. I’d actually prefer someone else from the Supergirl cast rather than another show. Chyler has proved open to reprising Alex and I’m pretty sure David would suit up again given the right circumstances. I’ve said it before the best way to get Melissa, David, or Chyler to Vancouver is to give them a directors spot.

I would be varying degrees of happy with the mid case scenario depending on exactly what they do. It will be interesting how they try to dig out of the hole they’ve created. IMO two seasons is too long to just say Kara’s off world like they did in Armageddon. And that still wouldn’t explain no mention of her at all before. From what I’ve read Clark hasn’t even told his sons that Argo exists, how is keeping something as big as other Kryptonians people who are related to them existing ok. Seriously it’s like the EPs and writers would rather show Clark being a bad father than acknowledge events on Supergirl.

I don’t watch S&L but will record this episode and perhaps watch after reading what they do.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 27
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Pagey speculation video.Don't want anyone to think he's breaking any news.

The best case scenario is the one I want the most but is the one I think is most unlikely for the end of this season.The mid case scenario is the most likely I think and would be fine with me for the end of this current season.I would hope the worst case scenario does not happen.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 28
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I’m both happy and apprehensive about this news. Happy that S&L is finally acknowledging it’s parent show but apprehensive after hearing what they did with Lucy Lane. I call BS on giving S&L a chance to build itself up as its own series first before branching out to other shows. Season one of Supergirl often had Kara IMing with Clark so I can’t believe a text from Kara would’ve interfered nor would COVID have prevented any other type of acknowledgment that didn’t require Melissa’s physical presence. I heard they cut a scene where Lois packed a picture of Kara with her other thing when she quit.

After listening to what Todd Helbing said I’m even more apprehensive especially since he said “where we all fit”. I’m envisioning a worst case scenario where they say S&L is showing Lois and Clark’s backstory on Earth-Prime and takes place before Kara became Supergirl. To me that would be a huge disrespect to all the work everyone did on Supergirl essentially saying you know what in the timeline this show comes first and we only want to show a world where Clark is the only Kryptonian hero. I realize there are reasons why that worst case won’t happen. One being Diggle, although they could probably wiggle out of that. Two no crossovers with Flash or Batwoman, if it gets renewed. Although the cynical part of me says they would sacrifice those crossovers, Flash likely only has one more season and Batwoman is unknown. I just don’t trust the S&L EPs and writers one bit, everything I read seems to be a version of we want the show to stand on its own instead of being part of the universe it came from.

Yeah,I'm a little nervous too.One crazy idea I saw speculated on twitter is that Superman & Lois is set 14/15 years in the future from the other Arrowverse shows like Supergirl.The only thing is again,the Diggle episode last season throws that into question since his appearances across the Arrowverse shows last season connect to each.other.Also Diggle doesn't look older(although that can be fan wanked).Also I think one of the writers already confirmed Superman & Lois is set in the present day Arrowverse.

Superman & Lois Season 2 Will Answer Big Arrowverse Crossover Questions
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 29
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I’m both happy and apprehensive about this news. Happy that S&L is finally acknowledging it’s parent show but apprehensive after hearing what they did with Lucy Lane. I call BS on giving S&L a chance to build itself up as its own series first before branching out to other shows. Season one of Supergirl often had Kara IMing with Clark so I can’t believe a text from Kara would’ve interfered nor would COVID have prevented any other type of acknowledgment that didn’t require Melissa’s physical presence. I heard they cut a scene where Lois packed a picture of Kara with her other thing when she quit.

After listening to what Todd Helbing said I’m even more apprehensive especially since he said “where we all fit”. I’m envisioning a worst case scenario where they say S&L is showing Lois and Clark’s backstory on Earth-Prime and takes place before Kara became Supergirl. To me that would be a huge disrespect to all the work everyone did on Supergirl essentially saying you know what in the timeline this show comes first and we only want to show a world where Clark is the only Kryptonian hero. I realize there are reasons why that worst case won’t happen. One being Diggle, although they could probably wiggle out of that. Two no crossovers with Flash or Batwoman, if it gets renewed. Although the cynical part of me says they would sacrifice those crossovers, Flash likely only has one more season and Batwoman is unknown. I just don’t trust the S&L EPs and writers one bit, everything I read seems to be a version of we want the show to stand on its own instead of being part of the universe it came from.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 30
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Todd Helbing at Paleyfest today again addresses the Supergirl/larger Arrowverse question saying he understands the fans frustrations and it will be answered/addressed at the end of the season.

Very curious how they do address it since they already had Diggle on the show last season.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 31
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