It could be so fun too!
They could do the same tag team thing the did at the beginning of season 2, and we can meet Lois Lane and Perry White

Oh, the opportunities for casting gags they would have!
They could have one of the actresses that played Cat Grant from either Smallvile or Lois and Clark, be Lois
And couldn't you just imagine Gene Hackman as Perry White, Or maybe Tom Welling (though, I'm not sure if he's old enough so maybe not), or maybe even Mark Hamel (especially if he works his Joker voice in somehow)
Clark: I bet you wouldn't have such a high turnover rate with your assistants if you didn't insist on doing your Joker impression, which is great by the way, every time you use the intercom
Perry: I don't need advice, I need coffee. NOW!!!
Random underling: *sigh* I'll get it (leaves room)
Perry: (presses intercom button) (in Joker voice) don't forget it's one cream two sugars (Joker laugh)
So what do you guys think?